Customer Testimonials

We work very hard for our customers because nothing pleases us more than helping our clients acheive the dream of affordable home ownership. We want to add you to our list of very satisfied customers.

Read what others have said about working with us:

This is the third time I have worked with Michael Houg for loan financing. I have used other companies but came back to Michael. He is always accessible, responsive, and helpful. Attention is focused on what the customer wants in the current market to get the best outcome. I am also very impressed with Michael’s team. This is my first time working with James Gremore and he went above and beyond. Lindsey Boatman is fantastic and was very patient with my many questions. Thanks again guys!

Jane Jasan

As a Realtor representing one of Mike's clients, I was extremely impressed by Mike' scommitment to customer service, consistent communication and availability..  I have never experienced a smoother transaction and will be recommending Mike to my future clients!

Mary Townsend

I am incredibly impressed with Michael's follow through. This is the best mortgage loan company I've ever worked with. I highly recommend them!

Laurie Knudson, Realtor with Legacy Home Group MN

I am very appreciative of the help I received from Michael Houg. He took the time to explain everything to me and even helped me find a great realtor! This was my first time buying a house and Michael helped put my mind at ease by being available to answer any questions that I had. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience and will definitely use his services in the future! 

Chloe Olson

I have worked with Jill Brown on one purchase and two refinance loans. All three have been great experiences and I highly recommend Jill as well as MinnTrust. Jills assistant Jess was also extremely helpful throughout the most recent refi. Jill is very personable and experienced in the mortgage business and can work with you regardless of your level of knowledge of the mortgage process.  

Robert S.

I worked with Jill in buying my first home. She made the experience very easy to understand and was quick to respond to any questions I had throughout the process. Would definitely recommened contacting Jill, or MinnTrust to anyone.

Scott P

Hi Jill- Just wanted to reach out with you connect to start going through the mortgage process. You have done the past two mortgages for me and I could not have been happier!

Robert Wagner

I wanted to tell you that I have referred many people to you, in part because of your rates and programs, but also because you took the time to listen, and really care about our situation; trying to help us in the best way possible, even though it took extra time to really look into, Thank you so much again!


I have worked with MinnTrust on my refinance and was very happy about the communication and response during the process. Thank you Jill Brown! I will recommend you in the future!

Steve Hanson


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